Today the final report for Digital Britain was published by the DCMS. I've only had a chance to skim through it, but here are the things that jumped out at me.
#24 The Universal Service Commitment (USC) mentions Fibre to the cabinet (FTTC).
#34 Ranging from 4MB (rural) to 50MB (cities and suburbs), the next generation of wireless access promises some interesting pervasive media applications.
#35 Ofcom to extend the life of the existing 3G licences indefinitely.
#39 Radio will move across to DAB by 2015.
#42 Creative Industries are at the beating heart of the new economy.
#45 Piracy is theft, and will be prosecuted under criminal law.
#46 A campaign helping users understand what is and is not legal. Offending users will initially be notified of unlawful activity, then prosecuted through the courts.
#48 Testbeds to be run by the Technology Strategy Board.
#49 Potentially the Computer Games industry may benefit from a tax relief regime like Film.
#67 Digital crimes require digital enforcers.
#69 Online security compliance for companies.
#72 Tim Berners-Lee to deliver better use of public data as part of a panel of experts.
#78 A typo? Virtual public service service network.
#81 Grouping several schemes into a new Digital delivering agency.
More thoughts to follow.