I've been playing with (formerly Intel's) Open Computer Vision API (OpenCV). Here are some notes I put together for building OpenCV apps in Visual Studio.

New project
Win32 Console application 'freqtest'
Delete existing sources
Copy files into freqtest project
Copy opencv_lib files into freqtest project
Right click 'Source files', add existing item, select all files from 'src'
Right click 'Header files', add existing item, select all files from 'include'
Right click 'freqtest', select Properties
Change output directory to '.\'
Select 'C/C++'
Change Additional Include Directories to '.\include;.\opencv_lib\include\opencv'
Select 'Linker'
Change Output file to '.\$(ProjectName).exe'
Add Additional Library Directories '.\opencv_lib\lib\Release'
Select 'Input'
Add Additional Dependencies 'cv110.lib cxcore110.lib highgui110.lib'

Compile error

fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'Debug\freqtest.pch': No such file or directory
can't work out how I compiled this in the first place!

Solution: Project properties, C/C++ -> Precompile headers -> Create/Use Precompiled Headers, "Use precompiled headers (/Yu)" to "Not using precompiled headers".

Runtime error

Needs to be able to find cv110.dll as a dynamic library

Solution: put it in the System path, not the user-specific path variable. Refer to the actual bin directory, not parent.